Joe Rogan Podcast.
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day.
Pleasure to meet you.
Thank you for having me.
My pleasure.
I wound up seeing you, as many people did, on those videos that you're making, where you were talking to students.
You know, just kind of like exploring critical thinking and asking students questions and why they're upset about certain things and getting to the bottom.
And I'm like, wow, this guy's like, he's young, he's obviously an academic, but super reasonable and like really level headed.
I'm like, we need more of this.
This is really interesting.
And then I found out you got fired for doing that.
And I was like, if this isn't an encapsulation of all that is wrong with our current higher education system, then I don't know what is.
Well, to be fair, I didn't get fired for that.
I think I got fired for posting another one similar to it.
But I think they were looking kind of.
That whole thing was so bizarre for everyone.