Trump's oil plan: can lowering the price end the Ukraine war?


Business Matters



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Donald Trump says he'll put pressure on OPEC to bring down oil prices - he says that will help end the war in Ukraine. Is he right? The Bank of Japan has risen interest rates to 0.5 percent, their highest for 17 years. We ask Naomi Fink, the Chief Global Strategist at Nikko Asset Management Group in Japan - one of Asia’s largest asset managers – for his thoughts. As the 60-day ceasefire period in Lebanon comes to an end, the war between Israel and Hezbollah but are Lebanese managing to resume something like normal life? And are you a celeb at risk of getting cancelled?... Now there's an insurance policy to help you deal with it. A insurance company in London has teamed up with a crisis communications group, to offer an insurance policy for this sort of event. We explore what they offer and why.

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  • Hello and welcome to Business Matters.

  • I'm Roger Hearing.

  • Coming up on the program today, Donald Trump says, says he'll put pressure on OPEC to bring down oil prices.

  • He says that will help end the war in Ukraine.