Trump Won’t Change the Fact That America Needs Immigrants


The Opinions



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Binyamin Appelbaum argues that immigration is America’s rocket fuel.

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  • The New York Times app All of the Times all in one place.

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  • Opinions, a show that brings you a mix of voices from New York Times opinion.

  • You've heard the news.

  • Here's what to make of it.

  • My name is Binyamin Applebaum.

  • I write for the Opinion section of the New York Times, and for the last year I've been spending a lot of time reporting on immigration, trying to understand what immigration means to this country, what is broken about the current system, how we can fix it.

  • And today, on Donald Trump's second presidential inauguration, I'm watching with concern his plans to start cracking down on immigration.

  • I think it is undoubtedly the case that the United States needs to assert control over who enters and lives and works in this country.

  • But it would be a profound mistake to reduce immigration or to try to deport the people who live here already.

  • The United States needs immigration.