Ep. 8 | Help Your Child Break the Perseveration Loop

EP。 8 | 帮助您的孩子打破毅力循环

Brain First Parenting with Eileen Devine



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SUMMARY - In this episode, Eileen will break down the common and often exhausting behavioral symptom called perseveration. She takes the listeners through what perseveration looks like behaviorally, so parents can identify it in their child or teen; how it is connected to the brain; and how parents can help their child when they get stuck in perseveration loops. TAKEAWAYS The definition of perseverationThe difference between perseveration and OCDHow to see this behavioral symptom through a Brain First lensWhat cognitive skills are connected to perseverationHow you can identify preservation in your child or teenWhat you can do as a parent to help break the perseveration loop your child or teen is stuck inCommon experiences for a parent who has a child or teen experiencing perseveration RELATED BLOG POSTS: Getting Unstuck: 4 Ways to Help Your Child Break the Perseveration Loop ======================= If you appreciated this episode, and would like to receive a weekly note from Eileen about the Brain First Parenting journey every Monday, you can subscribe to her free newsletter HERE! You can also check out all the FREE resources Eileen offers for parents, and learn more about all things Brain First at her website: eileendevine.com And of course, find and follow Eileen on social media: Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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