How can music transform a space?
How can it forge bonds and cement memories?
And what does horology, with its deep commitment to craft excellence and intergenerational savoir faire share with composers and musicians?
These are just some of the themes we'll be exploring in this second special episode, brought to you in collaboration with Swiss haute horology manufacturer, Audemars Piguet.
Born in Le Brassie in the Valle de Jour, a region known as one of the cradles of Swiss watchmaking prowess, but treasured globally, Audemars Piguet's brand ethos is defined by this century old commitment to craft excellence, where savoir faire seamlessly blends with technical modernity.
Today, we are in our London studios to discover how the worlds of haute horology and music come together to push human talent and deliver a powerful connection between people.
We'll find out how.
AP House London is a place for spontaneous moments of creativity.
It's not only a musical fulcrum, but a catalyst for introduction which has led to deeper collaborations beyond its walls.
I was joined in the studio by Daniel Compton, Odemar Piguet's country general manager for Northern Europe, and by Reuben James, a musician, songwriter and friend of the brand.
So join us as we talk about how music can bring us together and Audemars Piguet's role as a convener of minds.
I'm your host, Sophie Grove and this is Confect Corner.
AP is a company globally.
It's something that we really have a focus on is of bringing through talent which has yet to be exposed to bigger arenas, bigger audiences.
It was amazing the that AP wanted to reach out to me and start a relationship and not just because I'm a big name or household UK name, but they saw potential and really wanted to grow with me as an artist.
Daniel Reuben, welcome to Midori House.
It's great to see you this morning.
We would like to start by getting you to introduce yourselves.
I know that you know each other quite well and work together, but we thought we might experiment with how well that is.