单集简介 ...
I started this podcast in 2022 when I decided to start taking social media seriously. I was so afraid of what everyone thought of me (hence why I called it Trying Not to Care), and I wanted to please everyone. I soon realized that no matter what I do, I cannot please everyone. Today’s episode is a reminder to not lose yourself trying to get approval from others. The things someone dislikes you for, someone else might love you for. Be true to yourself because regardless of how amazing you are, you’re not going to be everybody’s cup of tea.
Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Honey - Get an additional 20% off the @honeylove Holiday sale by going to honeylove.com/TNTC! #honeylovepod
Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Sakara - for 20% off your first purchase, visit sakara.com and use code TNTC at checkout
Instagram: Ashley's Instagram | Trying Not to Care Instagram
TikTok: Ashley's TikTok | Trying Not to Care TikTok
Youtube: Subscribe here
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Business Inquiries - ashleychristinecorbo@gmail.com
Produced by Dear Media
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