The views expressed on this episode, as with all episodes of Sounds Like a Cult, are solely host opinions and quoted allegations.
The content here should not be taken as indisputable fact.
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only.
I don't even remember the last time I felt so activated and invigorated by a breaking news story to like instantly hop on the mic and record a Sounds Like a Cult episode.
Nothing so culty has happened so quickly.
Disgraced Hollywood Predator freak.
And then we got to the Scientology bit.
Science Seal delivered this is Sounds Like a Cult, a show about the modern day cults we all follow.
I'm your host, Amanda Montel, author of the books Cultish and the Age of Magical Overthinking.
And I'm Reese Oliver.
Sounds Like a Cult's coordinator and today's co host.
Every week on the show we discuss a different fanatical fringe group from the cultural zeitgeist from Sephora to Synanon to try and answer the big question, this.
Group sounds like a cult.
But is it really?
And if so, which of our three cult categories does it fall into?
A Live youe Life, a Watch your Back or a Get the Fuck Out.
Our show's whole entire thesis is that in today's day and age, cults aren't just sort of 70s style cohorts of baroque groupies dabbling in hallucinogens.
Sometimes the most nefarious cult leaders can be found hiding in plain sight, right in between the lines of your favorite childhood fantasy novel.
Even this is a special hot off the press sounds like a cult episode.
In light of a very recent expose published by Vulture, we are recording this on Wednesday, January 15th.