




59 分钟

单集简介 ...

Overthink goes meta! In the 100th episode Ellie and David reflect on the podcast’s journey and the origins of its (flawless!) title. They take up the question, “What is overthinking?” Is it a kind of fixation on details or an unwanted split in the normal flow of ideas? Then, they turn to psychology to make sense of overthinking’s highs and lows, as the distracting voice inside your head and a welcome relief from traumatic memories. Through the philosophies of John Dewey and the Frankfurt Scho...

单集文稿 ...

  • Hello, and welcome to Overthink, the podcast.

  • Where you get to hear your two favorite thinkers.

  • Well, overthinking a lot of stuff all the time.

  • I'm Dr.

  • Ellie Anderson.

  • And I'm Dr.

  • David Pena Guzman.

  • And David, we made it.

  • It is our 100th episode.

  • I feel like I would always think about podcasts having 100 episod and feel

  • like I would think that that meant that they've been going on for so long,

  • and it doesn't feel like it's actually been that long.

  • I'm kind of in shock that it's been 100 episodes, to be honest.

  • I know.

  • I'm so excited about reaching this milestone.

  • I'm over here like.

  • Like imagining little trumpets and confetti flying around,

  • but it does feel like we haven't been doing this all that much.

  • But I have to say, by the standards of the world of podcasting, we are in the minority,

  • because most podcasts sort of bail out when they hit, like, the double digits of episodes.