How to recover after a workout


Life Kit



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It's normal to feel some pain or soreness after a workout. But how much is too much, and more importantly, how do you get relief? This episode, build out your post-workout recovery routine. A sports medicine doctor, nutritionist and professional athlete break down everything you can do from the moment your last workout finishes to right before your next one begins – to feel better in your body, minimize your injury risk and get the most out of that gym session. Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy

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  • You're listening to Life Kit from npr.

  • Hey, everybody, it's Marielle.

  • A couple years ago, our producer, Margaret Serino, was at the gym lifting some weights.

  • It was her first time back after a pretty long break, but she was feeling good, feeling strong.

  • Then when she bent over to pick up her barbell on her last set.

  • I just felt something snap.

  • And I literally said out loud, that is not good.

  • Something in her lower back, some muscle or tendon or bone, was not where it was supposed to be.

  • And I just immediately dropped everything and, like,

  • crawled home from the gym and took all of the pain meds I could find.

  • Margaret was mad at herself because this time, this injury, she says, it was kind of her fault.

  • I did none of the things I was supposed to.

  • I was lifting weights for the first time in, like, a year and then immediately went as heavy as I used to go.

  • I didn't warm up.

  • I just waltzed into the gym, loaded up my barbell, and was like, it'll be fine.

  • It was not fine.

  • She had to work with a physical therapist for months to fix her back.

  • She couldn't do workouts or do the hobbies she liked to do,

  • but the experience taught her that all of those parts of the workout that she used to gloss over,

  • the warmup, the cool down, the stretching, those things matter.