30 分钟Hey, I am doing something different today.
There is a new episode coming out next week.
If you are new to the show, or honestly,
if you've been listening forever and never quite put this together, I wouldn't be able to blame you.
But in a typical month,
new episodes of the Memory palace come out at the end of the first and third weeks of that month.
And this year I think I'm gonna put in other stuff into the feed during the off weeks now and then.
This will almost always be Memory palace stuff.
Maybe it'll be an interview with me that aired somewhere else.
Or honestly,
I've been watching the news here at the end of January and have realized that there have been a number of episodes in the archives that fit these times rather well.
And then I think I might rebroadcast and see how they kind of play in this context.
It's a little bonus.
Today is something different.
I am delighted to present to you a preview episode of the new season of youf Must Remember this,
the Cinema History podcast from my friend Karina Longworth.
Her show is kicking off its 10th year with a series that I find completely fascinating.
This is so up my alley as the guy who does the Memory palace is about a number of directors who were giants of the 20th century American cinema
and the work they did after their heyday.
I love stories of lions in winter.