Foreign Good morning from Zurich.
You're listening to Monocle on Sunday with me, Tyler Brulee.
Coming up on today's program from Dufour Strauss.
It's been a while since we've been here.
My guest day, Gorana Gurgic and also Chandra Kurt.
They're gonna have the reviews, of course, the biggest stories, maybe a coup of wine tips first.
Garnet, welcome.
I saw you in London just a few days ago.
What should we think about maybe main story from the past week or what should we be thinking about the week ahead?
Well, hello.
the main story I think that kicked off the week
and rattled a lot of stock markets was the deep six AI revelation that really shook up a lot of tech giants.
So that was certainly something that now seems like ages ago when Trump is slapping tariffs on friends foes.
Al and I think the really main story for the next couple of days will be the retaliation
and reverberations across markets around the world.
So separate from the one that already started early in the week.