54 分钟Is it sometimes bad to be so good and so compliant?
And how can we make it easier for people to become defiant?
Sunita Sa is a leading authority on the psychology of influence and decision making at Cornell University,
whose groundbreaking work shows us how to resist manipulation and stand our ground.
I saw that nine out of 10 health care workers, most of them nurses,
didn't feel comfortable speaking up when they saw somebody making an error.
And that could be life and death situations.
It is so interesting the way that we.
We conflate compliance with goodness.
I came to this revelation that we'd misunderstood what it means to defy, whereas my new definition is to defy is to.
So take me into this a bit more.
When we're asked to do something that goes against one of our values, we feel tension.
We need to recognize that because that could actually.
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