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Welcome to the Inquiry with me, Tanya Beckett.
One question,
four expert witnesses
and an answer Many countries have had a tough task on their hands managing their economies in the last few years.
The COVID pandemic and then the war in Ukraine sent the cost of everything from food and energy to technology,
clothing, even furniture higher.
And once prices had started on an upward path, they ended up proving rather tricky to stop.
Rising costs are damaging for economies as they cripple household budgets and stop businesses investing.
At the end of last year, there was considerable hope that after three tough years, the beast had finally been slain.
But then new economic data emerged that cast fresh doubt.
The financial markets started getting jittery, and in January,
International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva admitted that the battle was not over yet.
The head of the genie is in the bottle.
Most of the body of the genie is in the bottle, but the legs.
Are kind of hanging still out.
We need to push it all the way down.