I just heard about this thing called K and R Insurance.
I didn't even know this was possible.
KNR stands for Kidnapping and Ransom.
If you think you're a likely target for kidnapping and people are going to hold you until you pay a ransom, then this might be worth buying.
Why do I know this?
I just ran across an article that said a guy was kidnapped in Toronto and held for ransom.
They wanted him to pay a million dollars and then they'll let him go and I think he paid it and then they dumped him off at a park and they sped off.
Why did they kidnap him?
Because they knew he had cryptocurrency.
A lot of it.
He was the founder of a crypto based startup and if he didn't have the money, surely his company did well.
At least that's what the thieves thought and they were right.
Scary stuff.
These are true stories from the dark side of the Internet.
I'm Jack Resider, this is Darknet Diaries.
This episode is sponsored by ThreatLocker.
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