36 分钟We all have bad days and sometimes bad weeks and maybe even bad years.
But the good news is we don't have to figure out life all alone.
I'm comedian Chris Duffy, host of ted's how to Be a Better Human podcast.
And our show is about the little ways that you can improve your life.
Actual practical tips that you can put into place that will make your day to day better.
Whether it is setting boundaries at work or rethinking how you clean your house,
each episode has conversations with experts who share tips on how to navigate life's ups and downs.
Find how to be a better human wherever you're listening to this.
It takes too much energy to hate people.
You know, I've always found that exhausting.
Hey everyone, it's Adam Grant.
Welcome back to Rethinking My podcast on the science of what makes us tick with the TED Audio Collective.
I'm an organizational psychologist and I'm taking you inside the minds of fascinating people to explore new thoughts
and new ways of thinking.
My guest today is Loretta Ross, public intellectual, activist and professor at Smith College.
She's the author of Calling in, which is both a powerful memoir and a masterclass in constructive confrontation.
Loretta's my favorite crusader against cancel culture,
and she has a gift for helping people find better ways to manage anger and outrage.
The emotions are real.
The question is, will you be trauma informed or trauma driven?