Why do people commit themselves to the things they do?
Why are people so worried about sport?
Why wine?
Why video games?
I'm Brian Lowry, and in this season of my podcast, Know what yout See, I'm asking a simple question, but a.
Really big what's the point?
In conversations with people with a variety of passions and obsessions, we get the.
Chance to look through a window and.
See what it means to truly focus on a realm of human experience.
Join me on Know what yout See.
New episodes begin November 26th.
In the end, she got out her jewelry.
There are two cars, a couple other little things, a pair of shoes.
What pair of shoes?
Like, sir.
Oh, God.
So ugly.
You know, like one of those, like, no offense to anyone listening here, like, I'm sure they're good for your posture, but keens, you know, and like whatever was on her feet, you know.
Welcome to how to.