Creatures of Habit with Pedro Pascal & Halina Reijn

Pedro Pascal和Halina Reijn习惯的生物

The A24 Podcast



49 分钟

单集简介 ...

Topics covered include: Halina learning about ASMR, Pedro’s obsession with travel and sleep schedules, watching The Social Network for the 600th time, anticipating your fears, a discomfort with nesting, Pedro feeling torn open after seeing Babygirl, doorways to vulnerability, refusing to be a moralist, real intimacy as the most frightening thing, traumatic early viewings of Watership Down, wanting to be a miracle child, Pedro lying about starring in Twin Peaks as a kid, unconventional artist parents, playing all of the greatest characters of theatre history around the world simultaneously while writing a movie being a total control freak Scorpio, and Halina’s exes calling her to ask how Pedro dances that well.

单集文稿 ...

  • Hey, and welcome Back to the A24 podcast.

  • For today's episode,

  • we set up a long distance conversation with Baby Girl writer director Helena Rein

  • and her friend and Baby Girl super fan Pedro Pascal.

  • You can catch Pedro in two upcoming A24 movies this year, Celine Song's Materialists and Ari Aster's Eddington.

  • And if you haven't already seen Baby Girl,

  • it's now available to watch at home and back in select theaters this Valentine's Day.

  • Hello, I'm Halina Rein.

  • And I'm Pedro Pascal.

  • And this is the A24 podcast.

  • I like how you say podcast.

  • Try to do it in that, like, way where they get horny with how we speak into the mic.

  • What is that step?

  • When you speak into the.

  • It's like.

  • What do you call it?

  • Asmr.

  • Asmr Podcast.

  • What were we supposed to talk about?

  • We were supposed to say.