单集简介 ...
1649 was a significant year in British History because King Charles I was executed for treason. A lesser known, but arguably equally important, historical moment occurred in that same year: the first publication of the Qu'ran in English. Surprisingly, it was instigated by an English woman, called Margaret White, who was the wife of a printer called Robert based in Fleet Street, London.
Based on historical research, this drama imagines the circumstances as to how the Qu'ran came to be first published in the English language.
Margaret ......... Erin Shanagher
Ayesha ..................Laila Alj
Robert ...................Graeme Hawley
Nicholas ............ Jon-Paul Bell
Sergeant ............ Hamilton Berstock
Production Co-ordinator - Pippa Day
Studio Manager- Amy Brennan
Sound Designer- Sharon Hughes
Producer/Director- Jessica Mitic
With thanks to Professor Suzanne Trill, the Arab British Centre and Dr Johnson’s House Museum
Historical consultant-Professor Matthew Birchwood
A BBC Studios Audio Production for Radio 4.