Episode 226: A Wild One


the memory palace



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Order The Memory Palace book now, dear listener. On Bookshop.org, on Amazon.com, on Barnes & Noble, or directly from Random House. Or order the audiobook at places like Libro.fm. The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX. Radiotopia is a collective of independently owned and operated podcasts that’s a part of PRX, a not-for-profit public media company. If you’d like to directly support this show, you can make a donation at Radiotopia.fm/donate. I have recently launched a newsletter. You can subscribe to it at thememorypalacepodcast.substack.com.  Order Eliza McGraw's wonderful new book, Astride: Women, Horses and a Partnership that Changed America.  Music Hallogallo from Neu!, basically one of the best songs there is.  Notes There is a lot written about Bessie, including some wonderful children's books. The best thing I read about her was in Ann Farrar (a journalist and biker herself)'s book Hear Me Roar: Women, Motorcycles, and the Rapture of the Road.

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  • This is the Memory palace.

  • I'm Nate DiMeo.

  • It is the freedom, right?

  • That is the thing about motorcycles.

  • The speed, sure, the agility, of course, but it is the freedom.

  • The person on the bike, on the Harley, on the highway, the cars,

  • the trucks stuck in traffic, but that biker weaving their way through faster, toward the open road.

  • The freedom of the open road.

  • The loner, the lone figure in the vastness of the desert landscape.

  • Or up the California coast, the wild Pacific, crashing redwoods.

  • That's the thing.

  • Advertisers know it.

  • A man on a motorcycle, a woman on a motorcycle could sell you a cigarette,

  • vacation, anything that feels like escape from whatever gridlock you have driven your life into.

  • Hollywood knows it has given us Marlon Brando, the wild one, Peter Fonda again and again.

  • A wild angel born to be that way.

  • See him, an easy rider on his chopper with Dennis Hopper American flag helmet.

  • An image once so counterculture cool, but at this point so American,

  • you could probably just swap it in for the flag itself.

  • Freedom itself.