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The Economist previously on Scam Inc.
So I search on Facebook.
Then there I saw a post like hiring CSR agent bound to Thailand.
We enter the gate and inside the gate you see it's a whole town.
I said to him, what do you mean I'm going to scam people?
Then he said, no, you need to convince people and to invest into crypto.
The place was run by Chinese.
The bosses were Chinese.
Rita, Gavesh, Jalil and Sarah were all trafficked to scam centers in the border regions of Myanmar.
Fraud compounds in this area had been rapidly expanding.
Whoever scammed Shane Haines, the CEO of that bank in Kansas,
may even have been working out of a compound here or somewhere like it.
But Myanmar isn't Kansas.
There's a brutal civil war going on, and I couldn't just show up and expect a friendly welcome.