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THE Economist Today.
On the Weekend Intelligence, we're bringing you the first half of a new eight part podcast series, Scam Inc.
I'm Rosie Blore,
co host of the Intelligence
and I was completely gripped from the moment my colleague Su Lin Wong first told me about this podcast.
This is the biggest story you've never heard of.
Su Lin follows a trail around the world,
taking us deep into the heart of the ingenious and sophisticated networks working so hard to rip us off.
She follows the money even as it appears to scatter like feathers out of our bank accounts,
laundered and back full circle onto the streets of our cities.
And most of all, she digs into the heart of a new, developing, terrifying trade in human emotions.
You can find the whole series by searching Scam Inc.
Wherever you get your podcasts.
In the summer of 2023, there was a drought in Kansas, but Jim Tucker's family had weathered worse.