Foreign hello and welcome to the Bulletin with UBS on Monocle Radio.
Each week the sharpest minds and freshest thinkers in finance take you beyond the numbers
and hype right to the heart of the big issues of the day.
This week we're exploring the findings of the 2025 UBS Global Entrepreneur Reports.
This is the first UBS report which has actively surveyed the opinions of entrepreneurs
in the bank's client base
and industry leader network,
soliciting their views
on a wide range of key developments that may shape the growth of their industries
and their personal wealth.
In the survey,
the cohort was asked
about the digital technologies that offer the greatest opportunity to share their main concerns
and their specific wealth management needs
as they look to the future.
Here to make sense of the findings for us
and to share some insights from global entrepreneurs about their mid
and longer term outlook is a good friend of the show,
Kiran Ganesh.
Kiran, as regular listeners will recall,