57 分钟A genetic diagnosis can't define anything and it can't predict the future.
It's not a crystal ball, really.
It can provide a framework to help.
With Farah Rajavi is a leading voice in genetics and well being who's on a mission to help families access emerging treatments and therapies for rare genetic conditions.
Along with counseling and genetic testing, she's completed fellowships at Harvard Medical School and has worked at Boston Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital of Colorado.
Now I need you to take a minute and grieve.
Not for your child, because your child is here and beautiful and loved and amazing, but I need you to grieve for your loss of expectation.
In the millions of phone calls we had late at night when I couldn't sleep and you always picked up your phone, you told me to grieve the life that I thought I would live.
And I think in doing that, you saved the life that I got.
And with all the doctors and everybody that you speak to, nobody gave me that advice.
Hey, so we have got something really special for you today and if you enjoy it, maybe even on a rotating basis moving forward.
So for a while now here at Good Life Project, we've been thinking about inviting a few just deeply wise, kind and curious friends and collaborators, people we love to occasionally tag in and share the hosting duties.
It's a kind of a fun and exciting way for us to continue to share new and different perspectives and ideas and questions and energy on both sides of the mic.
And not to worry, I'm not going anywhere.
We're just genuinely excited to really expand the lens of our conversations with some wonderful friends along the way on the mic.
Hosting is a dear friend and someone that longtime listeners have actually heard as a guest and a conversation partner a number of times over the years.
Samira Rajavi so Sameera is a professor, award winning author and speaker specializing in trauma and grief and digital media and meaning making.
She's also just a dear friend and someone I turn to personally for her intelligence, her kindness and wisdom on a regular basis.
And here's the coolest thing, her guest today is actually her sister, Farah Rajabi, who is a leading expert on genetics and genetic testing in the world of health and medicine.
You're going to love the energy between them and the wise and joyful way that they just dive into this fascinating and fast emerging field that is becoming so important in helping us understand and reclaim agency in our well being and our futures.