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It’s not you, it’s me… In episode 123 of Overthink, Ellie and David get into the highs and lows of breakups. What, if anything, is valuable about breakups? Does society’s emphasis on monogamy affect how we conceptualize the end of relationships? And what do you do if your ex still has your Netflix password? Your hosts discuss everything from breakups in the age of social media and chemical solutions to heartache to what the laws against domestic abuse and stalking can tell us about how societ...

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  • Hello and welcome to Overthink, the podcast.

  • Where two friends who are also professors show that philosophy is not just some ivory tower pursuit,

  • but can help you understand your everyday problems.

  • If not, well, get over them.

  • I'm David Pena Guzman.

  • And I'm Ellie Anderson.

  • There was a New Yorker article recently called the New Business of Breakups, in which the author,

  • Jennifer Wilson, went through what we might call a whole cottage industry for breakups that has emerged in recent years.

  • She talks about a hotel that offers a program called Healing Heartbreak,

  • where newly single guests can undergo a full body exfoliation treatment to symbolize the scrubbing away of the past.

  • She also discusses an app called Mend, which leads you through a 17 module online course that will,

  • quote, turn your breakup into a breakthrough and all sorts of other things.

  • It's just like, basically, yes, this new cottage industry of helping people overcome breakups.

  • Is a thing I really want to believe, Ellie, that you have either been to this hotel or,

  • or worked your way through the modules of one of these apps.

  • Please tell me that that's the case.

  • Well, no, in fact,

  • it's the case that I wish I had created the 17 module online course about turning your breakup into a breakthrough because I feel like I could kind of slay with that.

  • And I do hope that perhaps in the future I will be teaching one of the in person classes at this,

  • like, Heartbreak Hotel because it sounded, honestly, really beautiful.