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Heads up.
This episode has a few curse words in it.
This is Planet Money from npr.
There is this video that I have not been able to stop thinking about since I first saw it.
It's a short video, just 39 seconds long, of a bearded man with a tight haircut, a white T shirt and a gold chain.
And he is filming himself, selfie style.
But he seems to be holding the phone at this weird angle as if he's trying to hide it from someone.
Hello, my name is Sigrin Gambier, and I'm the head of financial crime compliance for Binance.
I've been detained by the Nigerian government for a month.
I don't know what's going happened to me after today.
If this is ringing a bell, it first made the rounds last spring.
I've done nothing wrong.
I asked the United States government to assist me.
I need your help, guys.
I don't know if I'll be able to get out of this without your help.