This is the Indicator from Planet Money.
I'm Waylon Wong.
And joining us today is a very special guest, founding producer of the Indicator, Darius Rafieyan.
Welcome back, Darius.
Thanks, Waylon.
Great to be back.
And you have brought us something super cool today.
That's right.
As journalists, we so often these days are finding stories on Google or TikTok.
But today I am thrilled to be able to bring you something that every journalist dreams about.
A great story that I heard in a bar.
The first time I ever heard the story, it almost stopped me in my tracks.
That's Kent Swig.
He's a New York real estate developer and a friend of mine.
And we were out recently at a bar in the financial district and Kent suddenly turns to me and says, hey, you know, my great grandfather uncovered the first Ponzi scheme, Right?
This is a great story.
He was talking about Charles Ponzi, the creator of the scheme that gave its name to all the others.
The father of all fraudsters.