49 分钟Hi, everyone.
Today we have an ESL teacher and language coach as a guest.
Tanya Jordaning, who runs English Coach three T's.
She's from Nebraska, and today she'll talk about what it was like growing up in the state.
You'll hear about farming, the work ethic, Kool Aid, and more.
I hope you enjoy hearing her story as much as I did.
Before we begin, I'd like to give you a brief introduction of Nebraska.
Where is it?
What's it about?
Well, Nebraska sits right in the middle of the United States and its economy is built on farming.
Corn and cattle are huge there.
But there's a tech side to Nebraska, too.
Omaha, the state's biggest city,
is home to big name companies like Berkshire Hathaway and Union Pacific.
Lincoln, the capital,
has a mix of small town charm with university vibes because the University of Nebraska is located there.
Back in the day,
pioneers traveling west on trails like the Oregon and California trails passed through Nebraska.
Real pioneers left behind some amazing stories.
Just visit Chimney Rock and Scott's Bluff and you'll feel like you've stepped back in time.