How do introductions work on a first date?
Introductions work on a first date.
I think introductions.
Typically, I'm a hugger, so I start with a hug.
Some people go for the handshake, and I'm like, no, we've already been chatting.
Let's not make this weird, Right?
Pietro Pocora is 27 and he's single.
He lives in San Francisco and works in tech.
What's your dating life like?
Right now?
I'm, like, casually dating.
I got out of relationship almost a year and some change ago,
and I think that forced me to reflect on what I want in dating and what I'm looking for.
Do you have, like, a type?
My type.
My friend said this, and I was like, ooh, that sticks.
My type is tall, dark, and handsome.
I like a bad boy.