I'm Anna Martin, the host of the Modern Love podcast.
In every episode, we peek into an.
Intimate corner of someone's life and learn about what love means to them.
You know, I can tell you, 35 years with another person, I've never spent that much time with anyone else either.
So we both kind of said, I love you pretty fast.
My advice is that it's okay if it's hard.
You can listen to Modern Love wherever you get your podcasts.
Well, big Valentine's Day show today, Kevin.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Are you a Valentine's Day person?
So, my wife and I do celebrate Valentine's Day, but we celebrate it a day early, because if you go out to the restaurants on Valentine's Day, it's a disaster.
It's too crowded.
They give you these little crappy prefix menus.
It's not a good scene.
So we are going out on Thursday.
That makes a lot of sense.
And you've done this for years now?