Emma Chamberlain - Part 1 (FBF)

艾玛·查伯莱恩 - 第一部分(往昔时光)

Call Her Daddy



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单集简介 ...

This week, Father Cooper is joined by Emma Chamberlain for her first official in person sit down interview. The pair discuss Emma’s high school days and cover everything from being an only child, her parents divorce, and ultimately her decision to drop out and pursue Youtube full time (OH and they also discuss the classic high school dick pic). Alex and Emma open up and reflect on the fears associated with being a content creator... Who am I outside of the content I post? Is there any room for mistake? Can I do this forever? In response to all of this, Alex then asks Emma, “Have you ever considered just quitting?”. Daddy Gang, enjoy part one of this two part interview with Emma Chamberlain.

单集文稿 ...

  • What is up, daddy gang?

  • It is your founding father, Alex Cooper.

  • With Call Her Daddy.

  • Are we ready?

  • When is the last time you did an interview?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Not ever face to face?

  • I don't think I've ever done an interview face to face.

  • Okay, well, let's start.

  • Emma Chamberlain.

  • Hi, Alex Coopy.

  • Welcome to call her Daddy Coopie.

  • Oh, my God.

  • We're on, like, nickname terms.

  • Emma, welcome to call her daddy.

  • Thank you so much.

  • So my first question for you is.

  • You don't do interviews.

  • Yeah.

  • Why are you here?