Best Of: Sebastian Stan / Questlove On The Genius Of Sly Stone


Fresh Air



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Musician and documentary filmmaker Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson is back to talk about his new Hulu documentary about Sly Stone. It's called SLY LIVES! (aka The Burden of Black Genius). Also, actor Sebastian Stan talks about portraying Donald Trump in the film The Apprentice. Stan is originally from Romania, born during a communist dictatorship. Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy

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  • From WHYY in Philadelphia, I'm Terry Gross with FRESH AIR Weekend Slay.

  • Get up and dance for the music.

  • Today, musician and documentary filmmaker Amir Kweslove Thompson is back to talk about his newest documentary on Sly Stone and his band the Family Stone.

  • It's called Sly the Burden of Black Genius.

  • Also, Sebastian Stan talks about his Oscar nominated portrayal of Donald Trump in the film the Apprentice.

  • He plays Trump early in his career.

  • The filmmakers received a cease and desist letter from Trump's lawyers and Trump called the filmmakers human scum.

  • Human scum.

  • You know, our writer received a lot of death threats, a lot of anti Semitic remarks as a result of that usage of words.

  • Stan is originally from Romania, born during a communist dictatorship.

  • That's coming up on FRESH AIR Weekend.

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