17 分钟Hello, and welcome to the Bulletin with UBS on Monocle Radio.
Each week,
the sharpest minds and freshest thinkers in finance take you beyond the numbers
and hype right to the heart of the big issues of the day.
I'm Chris Chermak, stepping in this week for Tom Edwards.
in the light of ongoing moves from the Oval Office since President Donald Trump's inauguration,
we're focusing on tariffs and trade.
We'll hear from UBS Global Wealth Management Chief Economist Paul Donovan,
who's going to talk us through his recent research report
on a possible Bermuda Triangle affecting Chinese exports to the United States.
When looking at trade between two countries,
the value of exports should be lower than the value of imports received on the other end,
because in between the two are costs for shipping and insurance.
In recent years, though,
the value of China's reported exports
to the US have exceeded the value of the US's recorded imports from China.
This suggests that up to 30% of China's exports to the US are disappearing before they arrive.
The anomaly is not evenly distributed across sectors,
and it didn't start at the same time for all sectors either.