Hi, Gina.
Hi, Ione.
Hi, everyone.
I'm Gina, the senior editor of Polyester.
And I'm Ione, the founding editor in chief of Polyester.
And this is the Polyester Podcast,
a feminist pop culture podcast dissecting the discourse on a weekly basis.
Before we start, if you're a fan of this podcast,
please make sure to, like, rate, subscribe and review.
And if you really love us,
you can sign up for a podcast membership where you can join our WhatsApp chat,
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and get on our Instagram close friends for only three pound a month.
We also now have a subset called Non Threatening Boys,
where we will be sharing exclusive content weekly on the Boy of the Hour.
Do we have any reviews?
We do, but also, I think our review thing isn't working again,
so if anyone has suggestions, please catch us up.
Yeah, I was trawling through Apple podcasts.