This is the Guardian.
Today we meet the paralyzed man who let Elon Musk put a chip in his brain.
In case you haven't heard, in the US It's a presidential election year.
We're going to hear a lot of this is America.
No, no, you're all wrong.
This is America.
But on American History hit.
We're leaving that to the rest of them.
Join me, Don Wildman.
Twice a week where we look to the past to understand the United States of today.
With the help of some amazing guests.
Let us introduce you to the Founding Fathers, guide you through the west wing of the White House,
and shelter you on the battlefields of years gone by.
To find out just how we got here.
American History Hit.
A podcast from history hit.
So I grew up hunting.
I grew up hunting with my dad and my family.
Noland Arbour lives in Yuma, a small desert town in Arizona.
I played basketball, soccer, American football.