The Mysteries of Your Subconscious Mind & Is An Electric Car in Your Future?


Something You Should Know



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When people see someone in public having a heart attack or stroke or other medical emergency, they often pull out their phones? Bad idea. This episode begins with something ER doctors want you to do and NOT do in a medical emergency. So much of what you do is driven by your subconscious mind. You don’t have to think to blink or have to consciously remember how to walk, or sit or eat – you just do these things. Join me as we take a peek inside the subconscious mind to get a better understanding of how it works and how it drives so much of your life. Here to reveal the very latest research on the subject is Dr. Allan J Hamilton. He is a brain surgeon who holds four professorships at the University of Arizona and he is author of the book Cerebral Entanglements How the Brain Shapes our Public and Private Lives ( Are we all destined to drive electric vehicles? Are electric cars taking the world by storm? Why are some people still resistant to the idea of driving an electric car? The fact is that electric vehicles face some real challenges. Still, ask a Tesla driver and chances are they LOVE their electric vehicle. What does the future hold for the electric car? Here to tell the story of is Mike Colias. He is a reporter for The Wall Street Journal and has been reporting on the auto industry for several years. He is also author of the book Inevitable: Inside the Messy, Unstoppable Transition to Electric Vehicles ( When should a man wear a tie? How does a man decide to wear black shoes or brown? How often should a man get a haircut? Listen as we explore some style basics all men should know. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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