57 分钟I didn't understand why I was supposed to be upset about aging.
Karen Waldron is an activist, artist and movement builder who is rewriting the midlife narrative to one of joy, grace, and growth.
Her book, Radiant Rebellion, is a bold manifesto for turning aging into an audacious adventure of purpose and possibility.
Oh my gosh.
Like, we really need to rage against this.
This is toxic and we're buying into it and don't even understand why.
So when you look at raging against it, I guess step one is really like just pulling back the curtain and showing like, here's what's really happening.
The world is a dark place.
Like, we need to cultivate and create as many moments of light as we can.
And as we get older, why would we ever say, I'm not going to try something and deny ourselves a potential moment of joy and happiness?
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I'm Jonathan Fields and this is Good Life Project.
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