The views expressed on this episode, as with all episodes of Sounds Like a Cult, are solely host opinions and quoted allegations.
The content here should not be taken as indisputable fact.
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only.
Sometimes these ideas would come up that essentially are refuted by modern science stuff that's like, well, science has kind of closed the book on this.
That's not how it works.
And we'd be told like, oh, no, no, this is true.
This is what Rudolf Steiner discovered through his own spiritual scientific studies.
This whole thing is reminding me so very much of Scientology.
But anthroposophi are very, very quick to say it is not a religion.
And also, anthroposophists are not dogmatic because Rudolf Steiner said that we shouldn't be dogmatic and therefore we're not dogmatic.
Well, in that case, this is Sounds like a Cult, a show about the modern day cults we all follow.
I'm Amanda Montel, author of the books Cultish and the Age of Magical Overthinking.
And I'm Reese Oliver.
Sounds like a cult's coordinator.
Every week on this show we discuss a different fanatical fringe group from the cultural zeitgeist from Amazon to wine bombs to try and answer the big question.
This group sounds like a cult, but is it really?
And if so, which of our three cult categories does it fall into?
A liquor life, a watch your back, or a get the fuck culture out?
Because cults these days don't always look like the Manson style compounds that you might picture cults, or at least cult y organizations in 2025 might look like, I don't know, a bougie hippie school that has some fringy little practices and a low key sinister origin story.
Yes, culties.