A quick heads up before we get started.
This episode discusses suicide.
Please listen with care.
About a year ago, a man named John Barnett got into his orange Dodge Ram to take a road trip.
He was driving from his home in Louisiana to Charleston, South Carolina.
He was going there to give a deposition
in a long standing legal case he had against his former employ.
Before Barnett hit the road, he told his mother,
Vicki Stokes, that he had a bad feeling about the trip.
You know, I asked him, I said, what do you mean?
He said, well, I just don't have a good feeling.
I'll just be glad to get this trip over with.
He says, I'm not scared.
He said, I just don't have a good feeling about this trip.
After two grueling days of depositions and before he finished his testimony,
Barnett was found dead in his in the parking lot of a Holiday Inn.
Police ruled his death a suicide.
In his truck, on the seat beside him, there was a note.
It was in Barnett's handwriting.
It said that he was at peace and that he loved his family.