The Nazi Block


99% Invisible



37 分钟

单集简介 ...

One of the Third Reich’s most colossal architectural failures.

单集文稿 ...

  • This is 99% invisible.

  • I'm Roman Mars.

  • In the Tempelhof Schunenberg district of Berlin,

  • there's an enormous concrete structure that sits across the street from a supermarket.

  • It's obscured by trees, surrounded by residential apartments,

  • and gently flecked with German graffiti.

  • Okay, check 1212.

  • It is 8:34am I am quite possibly the most jet lagged I've ever been in my entire life.

  • And I'm waiting for my U. Or as they say here in Germany, my U. Ba.

  • We sent 99pi producer Vivian Ley there to check it out.

  • Jet lag be damned.

  • I met up with Hanna Fischer and Vincent Brookman.

  • Hanna is the curator and deputy director for the Tempelhof Schoenberg museums

  • and Vincent is a journalist and tour guide.

  • They were there to show me around a curious neighborhood landmark.

  • From afar, it kind of looks like a derelict brutalist grain silo.

  • Is it a popular site for people to visit this one?

  • Yes, it's the most popular and it is the least aesthetically pleasing.

  • Yeah, that is true.

  • Yeah.