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I'm Natalia Melman Petruzella and from the BBC.
This is Extreme Peak Danger, the most.
Beautiful mountain in the world.
If you die on the mountain, you stay on the mountain.
This is the story of what happened when 11 climbers died on one of the world's deadliest mountains,
K2, and of the risks we'll take to feel truly alive.
If I tell all the details, you.
Won'T believe it anymore.
Extreme Peak Danger.
Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, I'm Johnny diamond and from the BBC World Service.
This is the global story.
As you have probably noticed, the world is a big old place and, well, what troubles?
Indonesia is generally pretty different from the concerns of, say, Indiana or India.
As well as this show, I present another BBC World Service program called World Questions.
We go round the world and we do debates with political leaders in front of an audience.
One topic comes up pretty much everywhere we go.
And every month, every year, it comes up more and more frequently.
Migration, the politics of national borders, the politics of identity,