Eureka 428: Could AI attract more talent to book-editing?


The Entrepreneurs



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We meet former Penguin Random House editor Meru Gokhale, who used her 20 years of publishing experience to create Editrix, an AI-assisted editing tool. Plus: how following “tech bros” on X helped her to launch the business without a tech background. See for privacy information.

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  • Foreign.

  • You're listening to Eureka on Monocle Radio.

  • Brought to you by the team behind the entrepreneurs.

  • The show all about inspiring people, innovative companies and fresh ideas in global business.

  • I'm Tom Edwards.

  • Meru Gokole is the founder of Editrix,

  • an AI powered editing tool designed to make high quality book editing more accessible

  • and affordable by handling the duller parts of the editorial process.

  • With two decades in publishing, including as editor in chief at Penguin Random House,

  • Gokolay has worked with literary giants like Salman Rushdie and Paulo Coelho.

  • During that time, she witnessed firsthand how the shortage of skilled editors can hold writers back.

  • But can AI really help more than it harms?

  • For many, automated editing raises concerns about tech replacing human craft and instinct.

  • So could a tool like Editrix actually revitalize the editing profession

  • by making it more appealing to a new generation of editors?

  • And how do you launch a tech business with no tech background at all?

  • Well, here is Meru with more on how the journey began.

  • So I've been an editor and publisher for 20 years, first at Penguin,

  • then Random House, and then the merged part, Penguin Random House.

  • I have not been very restless in what I do at work.