Germany’s political future and a round-up from Bangkok


Monocle on Sunday



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单集简介 ...

Emma Nelson is joined by Latika Bourke and Stephen Dalziel to discuss the week’s biggest stories. Plus: Monocle’s editorial director, Tyler Brûlé, joins us from Bangkok and Monocle’s senior news editor, Christopher Cermak, reports on the latest German election news from Berlin. See for privacy information.

单集文稿 ...

  • Hello there, it's Emma Nelson here.

  • We're live in London and you're with Monocle on Sunday.

  • Coming up today, my guests will share their views on the week's biggest story.

  • Latika Burke and Stephen pdl.

  • A very good morning to you, Stephen.

  • Hello.

  • What have you spotted?

  • Good morning, Emma.

  • Well, it's very difficult to avoid the T word Trump.

  • And amongst a plethora of things.

  • One thing which I thought was particularly interesting was how Gen Z young men,

  • so young American men are the only group who seem to think that Trump is a good idea.

  • And we could discuss why.

  • Thank you very much indeed for that.

  • We'll be heading to Berlin for the latest on Germany's elections with our senior news editor,

  • Chris Chermak.

  • Good morning, Emma.

  • Yes, there's some tension in the air here in Berlin this weekend.

  • I joined some protests yesterday and all eyes are on the front running Christian Democrats

  • and the possible second place finishers.