39 分钟When I work with these international companies who are working around the world,
the non Americans will say,
oh my gosh, like, why do Americans talk so much in meetings?
Hey, everyone, it's Adam Grant.
Welcome back to Rethinking my podcast
on the science of what makes us tick with the TED Audio Collective.
I'm an organizational psychologist
and I'm taking you inside the minds of fascinating people to explore new thoughts
and new ways of thinking.
My guest today is Erin Meyer.
She's my favorite expert on how we communicate and collaborate differently around the world.
Erin's lived in Africa,
Europe and the US
and her book the Culture Map is the most useful resource I've encountered
for decoding cross cultural interactions.
So Turkey, they have an expression which is dear daughter in law,
listen to what I'm saying to my daughter, because the message is not for her, it's for you.
And that's what we call triangulating,
which is that I can give feedback to one person that I'm close to in front of someone else
that I'm not close to,