Leon I'm Leon Naifak and I'm the host of Slow Burn Watergate.
Before I started working on this show, everything I knew about Watergate came from the movie all the President's Men.
Do you remember how it ends?
Woodward and Bernstein are sitting at their typewriters clacking away.
And then there's this rapid montage of newspaper stories about campaign aides and White House officials getting convicted of crimes.
About audio tapes coming out that prove Nixon's involvement in the coverup.
The last story we see is Nixon resigns.
It takes a little over a minute in the movie.
In real life, it took about two years.
Five men were arrested early Saturday while trying to install eavesdropping equipment.
It's known as the Watergate Incident.
What was it like to experience those two years in real time?
What were people thinking and feeling as the break in at Democratic Party headquarters went from a weird little caper to a constitutional crisis that brought down the President?
The downfall of Richard Nixon was stranger, wilder, and more exciting than you can imagine.
Over the course of eight episodes, this show is going to capture what it was like to live through the greatest political scandal of the 20th century.
With today's headlines once again full of corruption, collusion and dirty tricks, it's time for another look at the gate that started it all.
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