The views expressed on this episode, as with all episodes of Sounds Like a Cult, are solely host opinions and quoted allegations.
The content here should not be taken as indisputable fact.
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only.
Did you know, Tyler, that Jeep owners have a secret wave called the Jeep Wave solidifying their membership in Jeep hood?
I am a big fan of the Jeep wave and there's some unwritten rules as well.
The newer Jeep waves first out of respect for the older Jeep.
There's also another layer past that and it's how modded and dirty your Jeep is.
Say there was someone driving the same Jeep as me, I would then go is their Jeep bigger than mine?
Is it dirtier that they've taken it off roading?
And if so, then I need to wave first out of respect that they're using their Jeep for what it's intended.
For Cult hierarchy is alive and well in Jeep Culture.
This is Sounds Like a Cult, a show about the modern day cults we all follow.
I'm Amanda Montel, author of the books Cultish and the Age of Magical Overthinking.
And I'm Chelsea Charles, an unscripted TV producer.
Every week on this show we discuss a different group or guru that puts the cult in culture, from chiropractors to K Pop to try and answer the.
Big question, this group sounds like a cult.
But is it really?
And if so, which of our three cult categories does it fall into?
A live your life, a watch your back, or a get the fuck out?
After all, not every cult y seeming group these days is equally nefarious.