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I'm Natalia Melman Petruzella and from the BBC.
This is Extreme Peak Danger, the most.
Beautiful mountain in the world.
If you die on the mountain, you stay on the mountain.
This is the story of what happened when 11 climbers died on one of the world's deadliest mountains,
K2, and of the risks we'll take to feel truly alive.
If I tell all the details, you won't believe it anymore.
Extreme Peak Danger.
Listen, wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, I'm Johnny diamond and from the BBC World Service.
This is the global story.
Imagine this.
You are 35.
You don't smoke.
You watch what you eat, you drink a bit, yeah, sure, but not that much.
You work out and you're pretty fit.
Then you start getting pain.
When you go to the toilet, there's a bit of blood.
After a lot of tests and a lot of different medics, the word comes back, you've got cancer.