Why are more younger adults getting cancer?


The Global Story



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The number of cancer cases among the under-50s around the world appears to have risen sharply in the past 30 years. Studies have shown that there are rising cases of breast, colorectal and other cancers in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s. But what is driving the increase in younger adults getting cancer and can anything be done to stop it? Presenter Jonny Dymond speaks to freelance health journalist David Cox about what scientists think could be driving this worrying trend. The Global Story brings you trusted insights from BBC journalists worldwide. We want your ideas, stories and experiences to help us understand and tell #TheGlobalStory. Email us at theglobalstory@bbc.com You can also message us or leave a voice note via Whatsapp on +44 330 123 9480. Producers: Alice Aylett Roberts and Eleanor Sly Sound engineers: Mike Regaard and Phil Bull Assistant editor: Sergi Forcada Freixas Senior news editor: China Collins

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  • Hi, I'm Johnny diamond and from the BBC World Service.

  • This is the global story.

  • Imagine this.

  • You are 35.

  • You don't smoke.

  • You watch what you eat, you drink a bit, yeah, sure, but not that much.

  • You work out and you're pretty fit.

  • Then you start getting pain.

  • When you go to the toilet, there's a bit of blood.

  • After a lot of tests and a lot of different medics, the word comes back, you've got cancer.