55 分钟Watching dancers perform on an opening night of a production always feels
like a distillation of freedom
and creativity.
We know that it's months of discipline and practice that created these moments of abandon.
But nevertheless, this, the physical expression, feels as close to flying as any human might reach.
I was reflecting on this balance of graft and inspiration when I met Serge Laurent,
director of Van Clef and Arpels Reflections Dance Festival, which begins next month.
We all need a burst of unbridled beauty to nudge us out of winter torpor
and into the spring light of March.
And this program will certainly be mine.
It's a balance of classical prowess
and abstract ideas that explore the emotion and meaning of human movement.
Creativity is a theme we'll lean into this month.
On the show.
We'll bring you tales from our sun kissed travels,
musings on the history of tarot and delve into Lebanese embroidery,
which burst forth with spring flowers.
This is Confet Corner and I'm your host, Sophie Grove.
Through the festival of coming to London,
what I want to do is to witness how contemporary dance is diverse, how contemporary dance,