#31 - The True Christian Walk


Designed to Last: Taking it to 11



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The True Christian walk On episode #31 of @designedtolastpodcast, Ashley of (@arrowsandbow)and Dino Petrone are coining the phrase ‘slaying times are good times’ and speaking about how through trials you may look to ‘avoid the battle’, but by taking the road less taken, fighting the battle and getting through it is what grows us - both in your strength within’ yourself and your marriage but also with your relationship with the Lord. This week’s episode begs the question, how can we ‘walk the walk’ and ‘talk the talk’ of christianity, both to allow Him to change the hearts of ourselves and others and forgive the way Christ forgave us? When we ask ‘why Lord’ but yet in the same breath say ‘thank you Lord’ - how can we continue to thank Him instead of questioning His path? What people are saying: ‘I’m loving the podcast. Last few have hit me different. Like taking notes and writing down reminders. So good. The way you 2 balance and complement each other adds such value. So refreshing to have both perspectives. Thank you!’

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