This message comes from Bloomberg.
The Big Take podcast brings you one big story every day about what's shaping the world's economies,
the context you need on the stories that move markets.
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support for NPR and the following message come from Jarl
and Pamela Mone thanking the people who make public radio great every day,
and also those.
Who listen Just a quick warning.
This episode includes a kid cursing this.
Is Planet Money from npr.
A few months ago I came across this live stream video clip that had started going viral online
that I think captures something essential
about the absurdity of the current financial moment we're living through.
Here's the backstory.
On the night of November 19, 2024, this baby faced kid looks around 13 years old,
used a new online platform to launch a brand new cryptocurrency into the world.
We're not using his name because he did all this anonymously.
The cryptocurrency he created is what's known as a meme coin, which is a kind of joke currency,
something that doesn't hold any inherent value besides what other people
on the Internet are willing to pay for it.