Hello, and welcome to Forever 35, a podcast about the things we do to take care of ourselves.
I'm Dory Shafrier.
And I'm Elise Hu.
And we're just two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.
Hello, Elise.
It is our final interview in our Friendship Month series today.
I can't believe it's just flown by.
I tell you, it feels just like yesterday that we got this started.
It's so true.
It's been so fun.
I've loved everyone we've spoken to.
Our guest today is someone who's been on the show before, and I enjoyed this conversation as much, if not more than our first one.
She was just so great.
And also, I feel like I've taken a lot of the Friendship Month lessons that we have learned from the various guests, like Kathleen Killam and her five three one thing just to make sure that you do five connections.
For one hour a day and all that.
So I've done that.